Saturday, February 17, 2007

Week 3 Ends

This week's discussion of emerging technologies and tools that might be applicable to education is quite thought-provoking. The tools that allow for peer-to-peer collaboration are beginning increasingly more sophisticated, even allowing instructors to create break out groups and then virtually drop into those groups. This is truly interactive. Within new tools such as WebEx are many of the features that previously were only available as separate applications. So the advent of simulations, mmogs, and fully hosted applications is extending the capabilities of online teachers without the need to provide their own Internet servers and tech support programs.

I think this is a very exciting time to enter the world of online teaching simply because the possibilities and capabilities are making online education, whether it is a one day webinar or an ongoing class, much more equitable with face to face classes. Students who previously were unable to physically attend classes for a variety of reasons now have a world of educational opportunities available to them.

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...


From your post I can see that you are more closely examining more possibilities for your teaching future.

It takes a bit of time and extra reading to reflect on Bonk's list and truly discover how some of the items can be truly meaningful to your teaching efforts. Your involvement in this class is the beginning of this process.

I appreciate your outstanding effort in the course thus far.

Datta Kaur